Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Entering the Joys of Toddlerhood

Well, our sweet little 1 year old is 26lbs 4oz and 31 1/4inches long, putting her once again in the 98-99th percentile for her age (hey, someone has to be!) Having said that, since my daughter is the size of a 2 year old, wouldn't you know it, she is beginning to act like one. And this, of course, is not all bad. Toddlerhood comes with it's dreaded "terrible twos", and as much as I do not look forward to that, toddlerhood also comes with more and more reasons to love my daughter. She is learning new words, getting around quicker, taking more and more steps on her own and getting more silly and smart by the minute. She learns something new every day. She is also pretty proficient at stair climbing, which has become her new favorite past time. Gates have been put into place much to her chagrin. She's just so damn fast! But when heading up the stairs, why the hell not let her climb them herself?! Avery loves to throw herself onto her new plush kid's chair, on the couch, on a pillow, really anything soft. She is learning to play fetch with Memphis and feeds her treats (of course clapping for Memphis when she does a trick and eats a treat). She is will climb up the stairs to a slide (with help) and without fear go head first down the slide. She crawls all over the grass; discovering rocks, dirt, leaves and bugs. Her love for the outside continues to grow. She is trying really hard to use utensils at meals and continues to eat everything under the sun. Avery has begun to "help" me cook dinner, by stirring (on occasion) or throwing things into the pans. She watches the food cook and says "Mmmm!" She has always enjoyed watching me cook but now is getting more involved. She also likes helping throw clothes in the washing machine and sits in the laundry basket with clean clothes while I fold. You can tell she enjoys being involved with simple tasks that she sees me do every day. And wouldn't you know it, now she pretends to stir with a spatula and a plastic container. It's so much fun watching her make connections and learn new things.

Boundaries are being tested more and more, and while she usually will listen very well to "No thank you", she will still attempt to get away with anything and everything. She will go towards something she is not supposed to touch and shake her head "no" because she knows she is not supposed to be touching said object. She will also clap for herself when she stops and listens. There are certainly times when she does not listen. Toddlerhood welcomes the added bonus of the whines and tears when she is told she can't do something or can't have something. Oy... No you can not bite the piano keys, no you can not eat the dog food, no you can not have mommy's wine. 

Avery will try to explore all aspects of her surroundings and see what new things she can discover. She is consistently waving and blowing kisses to everyone and everything; people, animals, cars, etc. Avery has also discovered that not only can she clap for herself when she does something good or something she likes, she can also clap for others. She claps for me when I pee on the toilet. It is hysterical. Chris and I always clap for her when she pees on the potty and she claps for herself too. So now she will clap if she sees me pee on the toilet, because let's be honest, the door is totally open so I can keep half an eye on her. But not before the dog and cat come to join me in the bathroom first. This is the story of my life now. Avery keeps us on our toes. Always on the move, always wanting to learn. The chaos is totally exhausting, but I wouldn't want it any other way. 

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