Friday, June 23, 2017

Our Growing Girl!

Avery is keeping us on our toes! She is perfecting the "dead weight rag doll" (especially when she does not want to get out of the tub - this proves to be very difficult with a slippery wet baby) and the dramatic sigh. She is definitely a strong-willed child. But these moments are few and far between her usual sweet and very loving self. And I have to say, those toddler moments are extremely hard to keep a straight face and not laugh. She's too stinking funny. Avery's love for animals, the outside and swimming continue to grow with her and I love it. She is constantly on the go and wanting to discover the world around her; my little miss independent. They say when you have a strong-willed child to "hang on for the ride" and it will be one of their best qualities as an adult. Dear Lord help us. I hope this is true. In the mean time, we are hanging on tight!