Sunday, May 6, 2018

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

Spring has come and gone very quickly and all of a sudden it is beginning to feel like summer. We have had such a busy spring with our little munchkin. We have been fostering her love for the outdoors and animals and try to give her fun opportunities to enjoy the things she loves. She had her first visit to the aquarium and circus; to say she loved them would be an understatement. We weren't surprised by how much she enjoyed them, and it was so much fun to see her laugh and get excited; especially when the horses came out at the circus. She went NUTS (shocker). What did surprise me a little bit was how much she enjoyed the rest of the circus. Avery clapped for every act that came out to perform and really loved to watch them do their tricks. Her favorite thing at the aquarium were the penguins! She especially enjoyed going with her friends! This spring, she continues to go to gymnastics and continues to show more confidence in herself physically and socially. We are so happy with how much it has helped her grow and the best part is how much fun she has and the many friends she is making. Another thing we have noticed lately is the growing connection between Avery and Memphis. Avery has always loved her dog, but she is now looking to Memphis for comfort, snuggles, conversation and play. It is so sweet and we love that she has a loving (and many times very patient and understanding) dog to grow up with. 

Avery continues to be a little sponge, just taking it all in. She loves to learn. In the car we always chat about what is around us outside. She is very observant. She loves to point out flags, planes, vehicles and traffic lights. She knows that red means stop and green means go. We have a blinking yellow light by our house that we drive by every day. To her, the yellow lights look orange and I don't correct her, but she always likes to point out the "orange light". I tried to find a way to explain to her what the orange light is for in the simplest way I could. So I told her orange means careful. I figured orange lights/signs warn us to yield, slow down or caution us. Now any time she see an orange light (blinking or a traffic light) she yells "Orange means careful!" One night she was doing gymnastics in her crib before bed. I came into her room to tell her to settle down. I said "Are you doing gymnastics?" She says "Yes!" I told her "I don't want you climbing on your crib. You need to be careful." Avery then says to me "Orange light!!"😂 She also likes to tell me when I need to stop at a red light and at times if I don't go the way she wants me to she turns her body the way she wants the car to go (as if her little body moving in her car seat is in control of the car) and yells "This way!!" Back seat driver already.

Her toddler attitude continues to develop. More "NO!"s and increasingly more determination and drive for independence. We try to facilitate that energy as best we can, as we want her to grow up confident, motivated and independent. Trying to do that with a strong-willed child is no easy task, but we are up for the challenge. She's cute so it's worth it.

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