Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Indian Summer and Our Fiery Toddler

So technically summer has come and gone but we have yet to feel; what I think, are the perks of fall weather in New England. Along with this so-called "Indian Summer" also brings the fire of our one year old. I wouldn't be surprised if I say "this is my favorite phase" at each new phase. BUT. This is totally my favorite phase. She's got one speed now: running. And it's just the cutest thing ever watching her chunky legs run around the house. She is trying to help and learn more at home. She helps feed the dog, wipes her high chair tray with a napkin, and is obsessed with washing her hands and brushing her teeth. She will insist on standing at the sink if she even walks by the bathroom, and usually it is a request to brush her teeth. Now I know I have said this before, but she has always been a very strong-willed child. And now that she is fast moving and her vocabulary is growing, Avery is becoming more and more insistent on what we call her "agenda". If you do not follow her agenda, so help you God. Like I said, I love this phase. I find it rather hilarious that she will throw herself down on the ground upset if I tell her no she can't drink liquid soap from her bubbles container or no she can't feed the dog again for the 4th time today (she's only supposed to get fed twice a day). Of course there are times where she tests my patience. But I actually enjoy seeing her be very assertive for a one year old. She's a girl who knows what she wants and she will tell you straight up with no hesitation. Honestly, I hope she keeps that quality as she grows up.

Now having said all of that, I am concerned about what the twos, threes, fours, etc. are going to look like. I mean, I already have "fights" with my one year old. It feels as though I am already somehow in the "terrible twos". I'm sure there are seasoned moms who are laughing and saying "just you wait". Well I hear you and I am pretty terrified. Avery definitely has no problem getting across her thoughts with the limited (albeit still pretty impressive) vocabulary. I envision in my head the future where she will be able to actually tell me off, or give me attitude, or even worse... give me my own dose of sarcasm. To her face I will give my disapproval but behind close doors I'll give a big sigh and say "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

In the spirit of this blog, I feel I need to tell some short stories of her current self, otherwise I will forget because let's face it, these times are flying by.

We have a swing set out back and Avery is just crazy obsessed with swinging. I swear I could put the girl in the swing and she would stay there for hours if I let her. We have her baby swing and also a regular swing which we call the "big girl swing". I usually sit on it and have her sit on my lap and we swing together. Well lately she's been insisting on sitting on the big girl swing by herself. She looks so proud of herself as she sits there and holds on nice and tight, kicking her legs back and forth. So I push her a little bit on the swing while leaving my hand on her in case she were to fall forward or backward. Well heaven forbid I hold onto her. She wants to do it HERSELF! I swear my hand gets whacked away by her more and more each day. Avery is Miss Independent and don't you forget it!

Going back to Avery being obsessed with brushing her teeth... We were going to the bathroom to sit on her potty. She is now at this point naked because her pants and diaper are off (obviously) and her shirt was taken off earlier due to it getting soaked when she was trying to drink water from a regular cup at dinner. The minute she sits down on her potty she looks up at the sink and points and lets out this enormous gasp! She stands up and goes over to the sink, climbs up onto her stool and demands her tooth brush. Forget the potty, that is old news. So naked Avery was standing there brushing her teeth and this mama was praying she didn't pee for the FIVE minutes she INSISTED on brushing her teeth (she didn't). At least I know this kid won't get cavities.

There were a few days where the weather actually dropped down to a comfortable and cool temperature so we did not have the AC running at all. Well this kid loves the wind in her face. That includes both natural wind outside and the AC. She climbs up onto the chair in front of our window unit, turns the AC on (because of course she knows how to do that) and stands there in front of the AC has cold air is blasting her face and blowing her hair. She giggles and has the biggest smile. After she has been standing there for quite some time, turning the AC on and off (because she also finds that entertaining) I tell her it's time to shut it off and be all done. Wouldn't you know it, I turn around and all of a sudden the AC is back on. Hm. I'm pretty sure she found her way over to that AC multiple times in those couple of cool days.

Lately for whatever reason, she has been insisting on getting into bed during the day. Just to play. And by play I mean throw herself around her crib like a bounce house. Well one time she was just in a diaper and asking to get in and play. Sure kid. Well I let her play in the crib and it is about time to get ready for bed. She throws herself around avoiding me as I'm trying to pick her up. She got so mad at me because she needed to get her pajamas on. Afterwards I put her down and she immediately goes over to her crib demanding to go back in. Avery is literally scaling the side of her crib trying to get in. She loves to throw herself around on pillows and couches. I think she has discovered her crib is another fun place to throw herself around. Speaking of which, this girl has got some serious WWE moves. If you're ever laying on the ground and she comes over to tackle you, watch out. Ever heard of an "elbow drop"? Look it up.

The most recent story happened this morning dropping Avery off at my mother-in-laws before work. We walked by a tricycle while heading into the house and she pointed at it wanting to sit on it. After greeting my MIL, she walked over and made it known that she wanted to go outside and play on the tricycle. We both told her that she needs to eat breakfast first and then she can go outside. The child then marches; literally picks her feet up and stomps them up and down, from the kitchen into the living room where her high chair is and tries to get into the high chair for breakfast because dammit she wants to go outside so bring on breakfast!

Did I mention I love this phase?

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