Dear Oliver,
How is it possible that you are five years old now? You always like to tease me that there are no more babies in our house, but now we can say no more babies or toddlers in our house! You will always be my baby but I have known no greater joy than to watch you (and your sister) grow into an amazing human being. You are such a bright light in our lives. Your personality and confidence have just blossomed this past year.
You have loved learning and being a student in your last year of preschool. You have made great friends and show pride in the work you produce. You love to show your love and kindness through contributing to the classroom by bringing in items to add to your pretend play hot cocoa stand or cutting out and coloring your own rain drops to add to the rainforest decorations in your classroom so that your teachers "don't have to make all of the raindrops themselves." I am so thankful that your teachers foster your kindness and love for learning because of course those raindrops are hanging proudly in your classroom for all to enjoy. You are always the first to make someone a card, the first to bring an extra snack for Avery and the first to give a giant running hug. You are also the first to do anything to make us laugh - like sit your butt on someone and toot! You are hilarious, you are kind and you are so smart. I could go on and on.
You are constantly asking questions. You want to learn and you want to be knowledgeable. You are constantly asking for us to give you math facts and randomly doing math in your head. You are putting together Lego sets that are well above your age. You are obsessed with card games and Rummikub and kick my butt all of the time, even when I don't hold back! You are starting to read words when we snuggle up at night to look at books before bed. You constantly amaze us. We have gone on some amazing adventures this past year. You are always up for a new place to travel. You and your sister make it so fun to go places and we love exploring new areas of the world with you. You want to see it all! Dad and I are so proud of you. I feel so blessed to be your mom.
Happiest of birthdays, Oliver Raymond. I love you more than you'll ever know.
Love, Mom
5th Birthday Questions
1. How old are you? 5
2. Who is your best friend? Harrison
3. What’s your favorite thing to do? Go to the jump park
4. What’s your favorite color? Pink
5. What’s your favorite food? Grilled cheese
6. What’s your favorite thing to do with your family? Go on trips
7. What’s your favorite toy? Lego sets
8. What do you want to be when you grow up? An artist and a builder
9. What makes you happy? Having a family.
10. What makes you sad? I don’t know
11. What’s your favorite movie? Ice Age
12. What’s your favorite book? Harry Potter
13. What do you love to learn about? Math
14. What was your favorite thing about your birthday? Getting Lego sets.
15. Where do you like to go? The jump park
16. Who is your teacher? Ms. Christine and Ms. Colleen.
17. What’s your favorite treat? Lollipops
18. What’s your favorite song? Look what you made me do by Taylor Swift (thanks to Avery's influence!)
19. What’s your favorite animal? Unicorn
20. What makes you feel loved? Hugs