Dear Oliver,
My sweet boy. I can't believe you are two. This year has been so strange. On your first birthday I was quarantining; wore a mask, barely able to hold you and had to blow you kisses from a distance instead of smothering you with them like I should have been able to. I felt like you were sort of robbed from your first birthday. But we made the best of it and you were a happy boy. This time we were able to have more of a normal celebration for you. Both sides of the family were able to join and I made up for last year and gave you lots and lots of birthday kisses and snuggles. Some of your family members hadn't seen each other in person in over a year before your birthday party. It was a wonderful day celebrating you and feeling some normalcy again. This year you were really excited about your presents and loved when people sang Happy Birthday to you.
It was a lot of fun watching you grow up this year. Right after your first birthday I ended up taking a leave of absence from my job. I was able to stay home with you and Avery for 100+ straight days. They were my favorite days. I never thought I would get that many days in a row with you and I feel so blessed. This year was really hard, in a way. There were so many things that we wanted to do with you that we couldn't do because of the virus. We can't wait to get you out and exploring the world a little more now that it is nice out again and there is a light at the end of the tunnel with the virus.
You are fearless. You have given me more gray hairs than I want to admit with your antics. Daddy calls you his monkey man and boy is he right! You climb on and get into literally everything you are not supposed to. You have an astronomical amount of energy that I just want to bottle up and steal for myself. Daddy and I joke that we thought Avery had a lot of energy until you were born. You are ginormous (standing at 39 1/4" - the size of an average 4 year old) and you don't always know your own strength; but you're learning. I am in constant awe of your sweet soul. You give the best hugs and kisses, the best snuggles and you say the sweetest "I love yous". You snuggle anything and everything soft. You have gone through a few favorites: 2 or 3 Meow Meows, a Baa Baa and now your current favorite is your little toddler pillow. You love to read and often fall asleep at night on top of a pile of your books. You are also obsessed with puzzles, building towers out of anything, playdough and coloring. You love to sing the alphabet now and count to ten and sometimes higher. You are incredibly stubborn; need to do everything by yourself and have strong opinions. Great when they align with your sister's opinions...not so great when they don't! Speaking of your sister, other than me (you are currently very much a mama's boy), Avery is probably your favorite person. She is always the one you seek out first thing in the morning, the one you want to play with, read with and swing with and the last one you want to give "one more hug" to before bed. You copy everything she says and everything she does. You certainly have a mind of your own, but you look up to her so much. This year your relationship has really blossomed and it has been amazing to watch.
You are about as strong willed as your sister (she still has you beat - but it's close) so we are already seeing glimpses of the terrible twos. I can't wait to see what is in store for you this year. Thanks for always keeping us on our toes. I love you more than you'll ever know.
Happy 2nd birthday my sweet, sweet Oliver Raymond.
Love, Mom