This summer has been unlike any before. Like most families though, we have tried to make the best of it. We had to cancel two vacations, have not seen many of our friends and have pretty much stayed home except a few day trips here and there. This is certainly not how we typically spend our summers, but we know that it is necessary at this point. Because of my job change, I have been home with the kids all summer which has been fantastic. I have recently begun working at Chester Academy's summer school, which has been a great way to get my feet wet before the crazy school year really begins. Avery will be starting Pre-K in September as well and she is super excited to see her friends and teachers again. She is at a weird age where she notices how different things have been and that we aren't doing things we normally do and going places that we normally go; but not quite old enough to understand why (at least not the severity of the situation). She does understand wearing a mask in pubic and knows that it keeps people safe. When I was still working at the nursing home and things were ramping up, it was a scary time for everyone. Avery was having a hard time understanding why I was wearing a mask in the house and showering right when I got home, unable to hug her. She was not allowed back at school and stopped going to gymnastics. We stopped seeing friends and family. It was a really scary and confusing time for her. Then I was exposed to Covid at work. That is when we no longer could ask anyone outside of the house to watch the kids. I had to self isolate. It was Oliver's first birthday. I couldn't give him a kiss and it was just not worth it to me. We made the decision to keep me home and I stopped working. I am forever thankful that we were able to do that, because I know not many families had that option. I got to spend the summer with my kids and got a new job, which I have been wanting for awhile. If there was any silver lining in this whole Covid disaster for our family, that was it. That and Chris being able to work from home. He has been loving it and the kids have certainly loved having him home with them too. Avery has been missing her gymnastics dearly and unfortunately will not be doing that for a little while still, but she started back up with her horse riding lessons this summer which she LOVES and it has been a great outlet for her. Avery has been living in our pool and loving the lake this summer. We are thankful for having these opportunities and it has kept us feeling somewhat normal this summer. Oliver has grown so much lately. He is 99th percentile for weight and head circumference and off the charts 100th percentile for height. He has been mistaken for a 3 year old this summer already. He will definitely be the kid that a stranger will ask me why my 5 year old is talking like a baby and I will respond with "Because he is a baby, ma'am, he just turned 2." He loves to find trouble. He could have all of the toys and books in the world at his feet and he will still try to climb on top of his Cozy Coupe truck, raid the pantry for food, or play in the dog's water dish. Oliver is the sweetest little man ever. He loves to give hugs and blow kisses. He will snuggle anything soft. He has been obsessed with books. He will run and get a book, hand it to me, sign "please" and turn around, wiggle his butt and plop down on my lap. It is the best! He has the energy of the Energizer Bunny and runs through the house like Tasmanian Devil. He is the reason I am starting to get gray hairs. With this kid, head on a swivel. ALWAYS.