Thursday, May 30, 2019

Oliver's Newborn & Family Pictures

We had pictures taken when Oliver was almost 2 weeks old. Chris's cousin, Shanoah, took the pictures at our house and she did a phenomenal job. Avery played along better than I thought she would; with a little jellybean bribery and Baby Shark. Oliver was the perfect little model that morning so things went very smoothly. We are extremely pleased with how the pictures came out! Courtesy of Shanoah Madison Photography.  

Friday, May 24, 2019

Happy One Month, Oliver!

Mister Oliver is one month old already. Man, time sure does fly by fast. Especially now with two kids. I have to say, going from one kid to two is a shit show. Just utter chaos. Separately they are both fantastic. Avery is a piece of cake at this age (minus her mood swings, as she is becoming a total threenager) and Oliver is a newborn and all of this is like riding a bike; been there done that. But juggling the two together; yikes. At this point the routine is slowly coming together. Avery continues to get used to having a new brother, which comes with good days and bad days. Thankfully Oliver is such a chill baby which makes juggling two kids a whole lot easier. He's super sweet and such a love. When he's awake he is wanting to look around and soak it all in and right now he is beginning to smile which we love! 

At his 3 week check up he weighed in at 10lbs 11oz and 23 1/4 inches long. So clearly at birth he did not measure at 19.5 inches. Our doctor said that sometimes bigger babies are so squished that their joints are harder to stretch out once they are born. Even at his first appointment when he was only 5 days old he measured at 21 inches. He is big and lean! His feet are huge too. When he was born they went to get his foot prints and his feet were too big for the machine that scans his feet (apparently they scan their foot prints now, instead of actually using ink). Just like his sister, he is at the top of the charts! He's giving us decent sleep as well, Hallelujah! We are totally smitten over our little guy!