We are so thrilled to announce the arrival of our son, Oliver Raymond Barrett. He was born April 16, 2019 at 2:27 am. He weighed 9 lbs 7 oz and was 19.5 in long. And just like Avery, he came into this world with a ruckus (but in his defense, not nearly as dramatic as his big sister). A couple of weeks ago he was measuring big and after an ultrasound was completed he measured 8 lbs 9 oz at 38 weeks. Our doctors had suggested we induce, as he was only going to continue to grow and get bigger, and (with horrible flashbacks from Avery's labor and delivery) I agreed. After one of my closest friends just had a son of her own who weighed 11 lbs and no way in hell was I about to compete with that. Without getting into nitty gritty details (for the weak stomachs) I had some hiccups during labor that weren't major but did slow the process down and my delivery was prolonged due to his size. But here he is! Our gorgeous little boy. We are all very excited he is here. Avery is enjoying being a big sister and we are all home adjusting to being a family of four. Being a mom of only one daughter, wouldn't you know it, the first diaper I changed he peed all over me. I'll blame that one on sleep deprivation. He is such a little love already and I am looking forward to my time off with Chris and both kids.