Sunday, March 18, 2018

Toddler aka Little Sponge

We are making our way through winter, 3 stomach bugs and 1 croup later. It's been a long winter in the sense of getting bugs. We walked the fine line of keeping Avery involved in things with the risks of her getting sick and keeping in her an isolated bubble without germs. We were defeated more often than we had hoped. Our kid is way too active to keep her cooped up in the house all winter and frankly she has been a little warrior during her sick days. She always keeps a smile on her face and really stayed in the best of moods while not feeling well. We are thankful for that!  
Avery is (as always) such a joy to be around. She is like a little sponge. I swear she learns a couple of new words every day now. She continues to be very passionate about the outdoors and animals, especially horses. She loves to climb trees and say good night the moon and stars. In the car she waves and says hi to almost every car and truck that drives by and gets so excited when she sees a bus and yells "YELLOW BUS!" Lately she has also really seemed to like flags and will point them out while we are in the car. She remembers where they all are located on our morning/afternoon commute and will state "Flag." or "Big flag." Her manners are impeccable for being a one year old. Rarely do I need to cue her to say please and thank you. She also will say bless you after you sneeze or cough, even to complete strangers (and to herself! 😂). Avery is saying "I love you" which, as you can imagine, melts my heart and I never get tired of hearing her say it! 
Along with new words and phrases, she enjoys learning so much more. Avery loves colors and will point out colors everywhere. She knows all her basic colors plus brown, black, white and pink. It is helpful when she is able to describe something specific she wants. She loves the ABCs and will sing most of the alphabet. There are definitely letters she knows and loves like "A for Avery", "M for mama" etc etc. She will point them out on signs and in books. She recognizes all of the letters in her name and is surprisingly able to spell it. She is also really into counting. She will count everything and anything and as of right now she can count up to 10. Avery certainly loves to learn and we love to watch her learn. It makes me excited for her when she goes to school, because I know she will just absolutely love it and flourish. But don't worry. I am in NO rush for her to grow up that fast. Even though it is happening so fast! Time slow down!!
She continues to have the sweetest soul and gives the best hugs and kisses.💓